Financial support marketing campaign 2021-2022: evaluation report – August 2022

An overview of the financial support marketing campaign which ran from 29 November 2021 to 20 March 2022, including independent evaluation results.

6. Examples of creative

Static social (All strands):

Benefit uptake:

A woman walks down a busy street. A thought bubble above her head reads 'Am I the only one worried about money?'
Three adults are pictured with young children they are caring for in a playgroup setting. A thought bubble above their heads shows them all sharing the same thought which reads 'Am I the only one worried about overspending this festive season?'
Two customers are at the checkout in a supermarket waiting to pay for their groceries. Also pictured is the supermarket worker sitting at the checkout. A thought bubble above their heads show all three sharing the same thought and reads 'Am I the only one finding it hard to pay for groceries?'
Two adults are pictured with young children they are caring for in a playgroup setting. A thought bubble above their heads shows that they are sharing the same thought which reads 'Am I the only one worrying about money?'

Debt advice:

A man is refuelling his car at a petrol station. A thought bubble above his head reads 'How can I pay my bills if I'm running on empty?'
A woman is looking at the price tag on a winter coat in a shop. A thought bubble above her head reads 'If my kids need clothes, how can I still pay off the loan?'
A family is shopping in a supermarket. A thought bubble above their heads shows the parents sharing the same thought which reads 'I can't pay my debt in full and still afford the essentials.'

Affordable credit:

A father is pictured holding the hands of his two young girls as they cross the street. A thought bubble above his head reads 'I'm glad that I found a more affordable loan.'
A man and woman are pictured holding hands as they walk in the countryside. A thought bubble above their heads shows them sharing the same thought which reads 'They had a repayment plan that we could manage.'
A woman helps a toddler put on his shoes. A thought bubble above her head reads 'My community lender saw me as more than just my credit score.'

15 second social (All strands):

Benefit uptake:

This video is called 'not the only one'.

We will use stock fottage of a busy street.

As people walk towards the camera, we see a thought bubble pop up over one man's head.

"Am I the only one worrying about the money?"

The same thought bubble pop ups in the crowd.

"Am I the only one worrying about the money?"

More and more of the same thought bubbles pop up all over the street, before joining into one collaborative thought.

VO: You are not alone. Find out what benefits and other support you could be entitled to right now at:

Logo: Fairer Scotland

This social video is called 'not the only one'. We see an image of pedestrians walking down a busy street.
As people walk towards the camera we see a thought bubble pop up over one man's head. It reads 'Am I the only one worrying about money?'. The same thought bubble pops up in the crowd. More and more of the same thought bubbles pop up all over the street before joining into one collective thought, 'Am I the only one worried about money?'. The voice over reads: You are not alone. Find out what benefits and other support you could be entitled to right now at Logo: Fairer Scotland'

Outdoor (Benefit Uptake only):

A campaign poster featuring an image of a woman walking down a busy street. A thought bubble above her head reads 'Am I the only one worried about money?'. Supporting text at the foot of the poster reads: You are not alone. Find out what benefits and other support you could be entitled to right now at #WeAreScotland. Fairer Scotland logo

TV advert:

Image shows end frame from the TV advert. A man and woman wait at a bus stop. The billboard on the bus stop reads: Find out about support available. Fairer Scotland logo.

View the above Financial support TV advert: You are not alone.



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