Financial support marketing campaign 2021-2022: evaluation report – August 2022

An overview of the financial support marketing campaign which ran from 29 November 2021 to 20 March 2022, including independent evaluation results.

7. Partnership and stakeholder activity

The partnership strategy focused on using trusted voices to reach both primary and secondary audiences, with a particular focus on five groups: younger people, families, child poverty priority groups, older pre-retired people, and people with caring responsibilities.

Supported by a bespoke stakeholder toolkit featuring campaign materials and key messages, outreach activity ran from January to March 2022, and secured 39 partners in total. Retail partners included ASDA and Scotmid Cooperative, while Parenting Across Scotland was the key charity partner.

The campaign partners promoted the campaign via internal and external channels with an OTS (opportunity to see) of over 10 million. Around 10,000 leaflets and posters were distributed to organisations such as Christians Against Poverty, Visibility Scotland and NSPCC, while campaign posters were displayed in all 87 of Scotland’s JobCentre Plus locations.

Example assets displayed in Scotmid staff rooms
Image show example campaign assets displayed in Scotmid staff room.



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