Financial support marketing campaign 2021-2022: evaluation report – August 2022

An overview of the financial support marketing campaign which ran from 29 November 2021 to 20 March 2022, including independent evaluation results.

8. PR activity

A programme of PR activity supported each phase of the campaign.

For Benefit Uptake, survey results were used to highlight the stigma around claiming benefits, and an infographic was designed to explain the findings visually. The findings were worked into a media release which was issued nationally, as well as being tailored for regional media.

PR activity for the Debt Advice phase centred around a national media release which highlighted the signs of problem debt. It also shared advice from StepChange and Citizens Advice Scotland with tips on how to manage this and where to go for support.

For the Affordable Credit phase an informational video was created featuring the Scottish League of Credit Unions and Scotcash.

This activity generated 32 pieces of coverage with a total reach of 6 million. Highlights included video coverage on Glasgow World, and feature pieces in the Daily Record and Scottish Sun as well as further national and regional features across the JPI media group.

Example of press coverage for the campaign with headline reading 'Don't get out of step with debt'.
Example of press coverage for the campaign with headline reading 'Cash Crisis: How to get out of debt before your money worries spiral out of control.'
Example of press coverage for the campaign with headline reading 'Money Support Scotland campaign launched by Scottish Government to help people in Lothians get financial help they need.'



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