
Financial Sustainability Health Check of the Childcare Sector in Scotland

This update of the Financial Sustainability Health Check has collected evidence on the sustainability of the childcare sector, in particular relating to the impacts of the costs crisis, workforce pressures and the lasting effects of the pandemic.

Next Steps

60. We are very grateful to all childcare providers who took the time to complete the surveys and participate in the Health Check update. We will continue to work with the sector and delivery partners to progress the actions outlined above.

61. We will also work with the sector to consider how we can improve the approach to evidence gathering going forward, and to ensure that surveys and engagement approaches are framed in a way that can capture robust evidence in a proportionate manner. We are also aware that the provider surveys informing this exercise were issued at a busy time of the year for childcare services, when there were requests for information from other parts of the Government. We will take learning from this work, to ensure that the need for collecting as much detailed information as possible is balanced with a proportionate time investment from respondents.

62. Strengthening our evidence base on the sustainability of all aspects of the childcare sector is vital to ensuring that we can support providers to continue the important work of implementing 1140, as well as ensuring that these issues are addressed as we design, develop and implement new commitments on childcare over the course of this Parliament.



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