
Fire alarms standard campaign 2021: evaluation report

This report outlines the evaluation results of the Fire Alarms Standard marketing campaign which ran from 19 August to 26 September 2021.


1 Fire and smoke alarms: changes to the law - (

2 The following profiles were achieved: 16 to 34 year olds (19% pre, 17% post), 35 to 44 year olds (27% pre, 27% post), 45 to 59 year olds (26% pre, 28% post), over 60s (29% pre, 28% post)

3 TV and radio ads were played in full to measure recognition; examples of social/digital static ads were shown as were images of the leaflet

4 Total sample size was 1017 adults, of which 562 were homeowners (whose homes were built prior to 2010). Fieldwork was undertaken between 9th - 13th December 2021. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all Scotland adults (aged 18+).

5 Question asked: Have you heard of the new fire alarms legislation the Scottish Government has introduced to improve fire safety standards in Scottish homes?

6 Question asked: To the best of your knowledge, when does this new legislation come into force? Please answer in the following format MM/YYYY.

7 By 1st February 2022, the new legislation will require homeowners to have:

  • One smoke alarm installed in the room most frequently used for general daytime living purposes.
  • One smoke alarm in every circulation space (on each storey), such as hallways and landings.
  • One heat alarm installed in every kitchen.
  • All alarms ceiling mounted and interlinked.
  • A carbon monoxide detector where there is a carbon-fuelled appliance (such as a boiler, fire (including open fire) or a flue, (which does not need to be linked to the fire alarms).

Overall, how likely are you to comply with all aspects of the new legislation by 1st February 2022?



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