
Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2016 Consultation- Analysis Report

Analysis of the responses received with regards to the consultation on the draft Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2016.


This report provides a summary and analysis of the responses received by the Scottish Government to the consultation on the draft Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2016.

The Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2016 (The Framework) is a statutory document (under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 as amended by the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012). It outlines Scottish Ministers' expectations of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service ( SFRS) over the next few years, setting priorities and objectives and providing guidance to the SFRS on the execution of its functions in terms of public safety, efficiency and effectiveness. It will replace the current Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2013.

The Scottish Government published a draft Framework for public consultation, which ran from 21 March to 15 June 2016. The consultation was open to the public and sought the views of those with an interest in the workings of the SFRS and how it operates to keep communities safe.

The consultation

The consultation asked for views concerning the following sections within the Framework consultation document:

  • The 10 strategic key priorities within the 2016 Framework which set out Scottish Ministers' expectations of the SFRS;
  • Chapter 1 - Protecting Communities: Risk, Prevention and Response;
  • Chapter 2 - The Evolving Role of the SFRS;
  • Chapter 3 - Governance, Accountability and Performance; and
  • The current Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2013 targets.

The questionnaire contained 17 questions;

  • Question 1 sought views on the 10 strategic priorities;
  • Questions 2 - 16 sought views on the text set out within specific sections of the Framework; and
  • Question 17 sought views on the targets set out in the 2013 Framework, and whether any of these should be retained, or whether some or all should be replaced by new targets.

The consultation was published on the Scottish Government consultation website, and was open to the public for responses from individuals and organisations.

In addition to the general invitation to respond which was set out in a covering letter, the Scottish Government contacted 183 stakeholders/stakeholder organisations to advise them of the consultation and invite responses.

The 10 strategic key priorities which were consulted upon were as follows -

Performance Measures
1. The SFRS must, in discussion with the Scottish Government, specify appropriate performance measures, to support its Strategic Plan, for the delivery of outcomes relating to the strategic priorities and objectives set out in this Framework.

Safety, Well-being and Prevention
2. The SFRS should fully contribute to improving the safety and well-being of Scotland's communities and embed a prevention focus within the Service. It should ensure that there is a clear process for working with partners to identify the risks faced by communities and individuals so that the SFRS can target activity where it can most effectively contribute to addressing inequalities within and between communities.

Response and Resilience
3. The SFRS should work with other public service partners to evolve a holistic and dynamic process of identification, evaluation and assessment of community risk and Best Value in order to prioritise and target its use of resources to ensure an appropriate response to incidents across Scotland and support improved outcomes for communities. As part of this approach, the SFRS should promote optimal command, control, communication and tri-service co-operation in response to incidents.

4. The SFRS should support effective multi-agency emergency planning and response including contributing fully to the work of Regional Resilience Partnerships ( RRPs) in assessing risk, preparing and planning for, responding to and recovering from major and catastrophic incidents and threats. When working with other emergency responders, the SFRS should play a key role in building community resilience and protecting both Scottish and UK critical infrastructure assets.

5. Community planning and partnership working with other services and communities should be embedded throughout the SFRS. Building on its existing 'Engagement Strategy', the SFRS should proactively seek collaborative opportunities and innovative ways of working in partnership with other blue light services/key stakeholders to improve outcomes for communities and should ensure effective stakeholder engagement in its approach to all its work including partnership working.

Service Transformation
6. The SFRS should continue to ensure that the benefits of Fire Reform are fully realised, evidenced and tracked, and it should explore through service redesign new and innovative ways in which it can improve the safety and well-being of communities throughout Scotland by building on the traditional roles carried out by the Service.

Modernising Response
7. The SFRS should develop and implement dynamic, innovative and sustainable operating systems throughout Scotland which are fit for purpose and meet local needs (covering both the RDS and whole-time firefighter work patterns).

Unwanted Fire Alarm Signals ( UFAS)
8. The SFRS should develop a process for recording the number of blue light journeys made in response to UFAS. The SFRS should also take steps to reduce the overall number of blue light vehicle journeys made in response to UFAS - including identifying the main sources of false alarms, and taking all reasonable and practical steps to reduce their incidence.

Effective Governance and Performance
9. The SFRS should ensure it has an effective approach to performance management to support robust scrutiny of the Service at national and local levels - this approach should be regularly reviewed and evaluated in pursuit of continuous improvement. It should also collect, produce and analyse data and other intelligence to promote the safety and well-being of communities, support operational efficiency and performance improvements (including its partnership contributions) and enable effective public reporting of performance.

10. The SFRS should aim to be an employer of choice - maximising the effectiveness of its approach to workforce planning; promoting the safety, health and well-being of all staff; and being a learning organisation with opportunities for all. The SFRS should also seek to be an organisation that is more representative of the people and communities of Scotland that it serves.


The Scottish Government received 38 responses to the consultation, which were broadly supportive and constructive.

A list of respondents can be found at Annex A.

Nine different sectors responded as set out in the table below.

Type of organisation/sector Number of responses
Fire & Rescue Organisations 2
Individuals 3
Voluntary Sector Organisations 5
Trades Unions 2
Academic 1
Public Bodies 6
NHS Organisations 3
Industry Associations 2
Local Authorities 14
Total 38

The written responses to the consultation document for which the Scottish Government has been given permission to publish have been placed on the Scottish Government website .


Email: Richard Hastings,

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