
Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022: consultation analysis

Summary and analysis report of the responses received by the Scottish Government to the consultation on the draft Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022.


This report provides a summary and analysis of the responses received by the Scottish Government to the consultation on the draft Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022.

The Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022 (The Framework) is a statutory document (under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 as amended by the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012). It outlines Scottish Ministers' expectations of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), setting priorities and objectives and providing guidance to SFRS on the execution of its functions in terms of public safety, efficiency and effectiveness. It will replace the current Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2016.

The Scottish Government published a draft Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022 (The Framework) for public consultation, which ran from 29 September 2021 to 22 December 2021. The consultation was open to the public and sought the views of those with an interest in the workings of SFRS and how it operates to keep communities safe.

The Consultation

The consultation asked for views concerning the following sections within the Framework consultation document:

  • Strategic Priority 1 – Prevention and Protection
  • Strategic Priority 2 – Response
  • Strategic Priority 3 – Innovation and Modernisation
  • Strategic Priority 4 – Climate Change
  • Strategic Priority 5 – Effective Governance and Performance
  • Strategic Priority 6 – People
  • Strategic Priority 7 – Partnership

The questionnaire contained 9 questions:

  • Questions 1-7 sought views on the 7 strategic priorities.
  • Questions 8 and 9 asked whether these are the right 7 priorities to be included in the next Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland and whether anything else should be included.

The 7 strategic priorities which were consulted upon were as follows:

Strategic Priority 1 – Prevention and Protection

The overriding purpose of SFRS remains to improve the safety and well-being of communities. A priority for SFRS is preventing fires and reducing their human, social and economic impact. SFRS should use an evidence-based approach to target groups and individuals according to risk, and universal population wide activities, to improve fire and wider community safety. These should contribute to reducing inequality and encouraging sustainable and inclusive growth. SFRS should work with public, private and voluntary organisations; communities and individuals where they can add value and contribute to outcomes.

Strategic Priority 2 – Response

In conjunction with effectively addressing risk, SFRS should ensure that the capability of its assets and staff, combined with technological improvements, enable it to respond to incidents with the right resources at the right time across communities in Scotland. The Service should embrace a flexible, innovative and inclusive approach to its service delivery and resilience planning, ensuring its response resources and crewing arrangements are aligned to current and future risks.

Strategic Priority 3 – Innovation and Modernisation

SFRS should continually improve and modernise the service it provides so that it can do more to improve outcomes for communities across Scotland. Modernisation proposals should be considered, developed and delivered using sound evidence and should include but not be limited to ensuring SFRS is using its people, assets and financial resources in the most efficient and effective manner and that the role of firefighters is modernised to allow the Service to address new and emerging risks in our communities.

Strategic Priority 4 – Climate Change

SFRS should continue working with other public sector partners and communities to support action to address the climate emergency including the challenges of more extreme weather events. SFRS should do so by preventing and reducing its own greenhouse gas emissions and working to ensure Scotland's communities are resilient and safe in response to the changing climate. SFRS's corporate response to the Climate Emergency should include, for example, commitment towards transitioning over to ultra-low emission fleets, renewable energy and heat; low carbon buildings and materials; and wherever possible, maximising the positive impact procurement can have on addressing the Climate Emergency.

Strategic Priority 5 – Effective Governance and Performance

SFRS should ensure it has an effective approach to performance management to support robust scrutiny of the Service at national and local levels. This approach should be regularly reviewed and evaluated in pursuit of continuous improvement. SFRS should also collect, produce and analyse data and other intelligence to inform actions to promote the safety and well-being of communities, support operational efficiency and performance improvements (including its partnership contributions) and enable effective public reporting of performance.

Strategic Priority 6 – People

SFRS should continue to be a Fair Work employer and develop as an employer of choice. It should promote the equality, safety and physical and mental health of all its staff. SFRS should continue to maximise the effectiveness of its approach to workforce and succession planning and should be a learning organisation with equal opportunities for all. SFRS should ensure it enables innovation and change through its People Strategy. SFRS should actively strive to be an organisation that is more representative of the people and communities of Scotland that it serves.

Strategic Priority 7 – Partnership

Working with others such as other blue light emergency services, public, private and voluntary organisations and Scotland's communities should be ingrained throughout SFRS. This includes but goes beyond the important and statutory work undertaken through the established Community Planning Partnerships. Partnerships should develop joined up policies to multidimensional problems. Innovative leadership should be provided to facilitate the identification of collaborative opportunities, making the best use of public resources. The aims should be to achieve community safety, drive out inefficiencies, where possible, whilst achieving operational efficiencies and effectiveness to ultimately improve outcomes for our Scottish communities.

The consultation was published on the Scottish Government consultation website, and was open to the public for responses from individuals and organisations. The Scottish Government contacted a wide range of stakeholder organisations to advise them of the consultation and invite responses.



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