
Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022: consultation analysis

Summary and analysis report of the responses received by the Scottish Government to the consultation on the draft Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland 2022.


The Scottish Government received 48 responses to the consultation, which were broadly supportive and constructive. We would like to express our sincere thanks to those that submitted a response to the consultation.

A full list of the respondents to the consultation who were willing to have their name/organisation disclosed is provided in Annex A. Where respondents have given permission for their response to be made public, these are available on Citizen Space which is accessible via the Scottish Government website. All respondents were given the choice to submit their entries anonymously and for their responses to be made anonymous in reporting. All responses were moderated for any potentially defamatory, explicit or offensive material before being approved for publication.

Nine different sectors responded as set out in the table below.
Type of organisation/sector Number of responses
Fire & Rescue Organisations 2
Individuals 22
Voluntary Sector Organisations 1
Trade Unions 1
Community Planning/Safety Bodies 3
Public Bodies 3
NHS Organisations 2
Industry/Trade Associations/Bodies 3
Local Authorities/Community Councils 11
Total 48

As indicated above, the consultation was structured by 9 yes/no questions which then asked respondents to provide further comments as appropriate to explain their views.



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