
Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on Scotland Fire and Rescue Services workforce, stations, equipment, fire safety and attacks on Fire and Rescue Service personnel at incidents.

Table 17: Risk level of non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 17: Risk level of non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Scotland


The non-shaded areas represent where the majority of risk levels are expected for a type of premises.

Table 17a: Percentage of risk level within each non-domestic premise type audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 17a: Percentage of risk level within each non-domestic premise type audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 17b: Percentage of risk level within each level for non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Scotland

Table 17b: Percentage of risk level within each level for non-domestic premises audited in 2012-13 - Scotland


The non-shaded areas represent where the majority of risk levels are expected for a type of premises.


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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