
Fire and Rescue Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing the latest statistics on fires, special service incidents, casualties and false alarms attended by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Table 3b:Dwelling fires by motive per 100,000 dwellings, 2013-14p, Local Authority

Number Rate Number Rate Number Rate
Local Authority Accidental Dwelling Fires (per 100,000 dwellings) Deliberate dwelling fires (per 100,000 dwellings) Dwelling fires (per 100,000 dwellings) Number of dwellings3
Aberdeen City 247 219.8 47 41.8 294 261.6 112,393
Aberdeenshire 173 154.0 9 8.0 182 162.0 112,320
Angus 71 129.8 9 16.4 80 146.2 54,719
Argyll and Bute 78 165.2 10 21.2 88 186.4 47,221
Clackmannanshire 38 159.4 4 16.8 42 176.2 23,834
Dumfries and Galloway 112 152.6 1 1.4 113 154.0 73,390
Dundee City 195 264.6 25 33.9 220 298.6 73,689
East Ayrshire 91 159.5 16 28.0 107 187.6 57,046
East Dunbartonshire 53 118.5 4 8.9 57 127.5 44,714
East Lothian 81 178.1 2 4.4 83 182.5 45,489
East Renfrewshire 61 162.5 3 8.0 64 170.5 37,544
Edinburgh, City of 525 221.8 84 35.5 609 257.3 236,687
Eilean Siar 11 76.0 - - 11 76.0 14,474
Falkirk 119 165.4 12 16.7 131 182.1 71,935
Fife 217 126.7 15 8.8 232 135.5 171,221
Glasgow City 763 253.0 153 50.7 916 303.7 301,573
Highland 144 127.1 3 2.6 147 129.8 113,258
Inverclyde 87 222.0 18 45.9 105 267.9 39,191
Midlothian 62 166.3 4 10.7 66 177.1 37,277
Moray 69 159.3 5 11.5 74 170.8 43,317
North Ayrshire 135 201.5 13 19.4 148 220.9 66,985
North Lanarkshire 258 171.8 56 37.3 314 209.1 150,152
Orkney Islands 10 93.8 - - 10 93.8 10,665
Perth and Kinross 97 139.0 8 11.5 105 150.5 69,771
Renfrewshire 223 266.9 39 46.7 262 313.6 83,550
Scottish Borders 101 177.4 9 15.8 110 193.2 56,931
Shetland Islands 12 110.9 - - 12 110.9 10,821
South Ayrshire 86 158.4 7 12.9 93 171.3 54,294
South Lanarkshire 227 155.8 35 24.0 262 179.8 145,684
Stirling 66 165.5 6 15.0 72 180.5 39,882
West Dunbartonshire 105 234.2 28 62.5 133 296.6 44,835
West Lothian 164 215.5 24 31.5 188 247.0 76,101
Scotland 4,681 185.7 649 25.7 5,330 211.4 2,520,956

1 - Non-fatal casualty data from 2009-10 onwards cannot be compared to previous years. This is due to a change in the recording of non-fatal casualties - see section 6.5.2 ii for details
2 - Figures for primary fires prior to 2009-10 are based on sample data weighted to (former) Fire and Rescue Service totals
3- Dwellings data from 'Housing Statistics for Scotland - Key Information and Summary Tables' at:


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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