
Fire and Rescue Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing the latest statistics on fires, special service incidents, casualties and false alarms attended by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Table 6: Special service incidents by type, 2009-10 to 2013-14p, Scotland

Year Road Traffic Collisions (RTC) Other Transport incident Flooding Rescue or evacuation from water Other rescue or release of persons Evacuation (no fire) Lift Release Medical Incident - Co-responder/ First responder1 Suicide/ attempts Hazardous Materials incident Spills and Leaks (not RTC) Removal of objects2 Animal assistance incidents Effecting entry or exit Making Safe (not RTC) No action (not false alarm) Water provision Stand By Assist other agencies Advice Only Special service Total
2009-10 2,944 163 2,037 195 763 64 769 388 119 133 377 187 403 842 282 760 19 231 612 207 11,495
2010-11 2,412 147 2,473 141 664 51 704 327 137 132 430 169 339 899 509 703 23 215 571 273 11,319
2011-12r 2,223 116 1,136 163 689 72 677 284 138 140 287 154 319 882 925 859 9 161 566 317 10,117
2012-13r 2,267 98 1,351 167 556 63 617 244 111 174 286 218 350 883 246 740 4 112 470 201 9,158
2013-14p 2,136 78 1,056 149 453 60 666 278 94 194 252 248 364 1,073 417 762 18 81 554 215 9,148

p - provisional
r - revised
1 - there has been a change to special service sub-categories, see section 6.5.5 i for details
2 - there has been a change to special service sub-categories, see section 6.5.5 ii for details


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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