
Fire and Rescue Statistics, Scotland, 2013-14

Statistical bulletin providing the latest statistics on fires, special service incidents, casualties and false alarms attended by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Table 9 Outdoor fires by location, 2004-05 to 2013-14p, Scotland3

Primary Outdoor Fires
Others1 Road Vehicles Number
Year Outdoor structures Outdoor equipment and machinery Grassland and crops Woodland Other transport vehicle Other outdoors (including land) Car Abandoned Car Other Road Vehicle Abandoned Other Road Vehicle Road Vehicle (subtotal) Primary Outdoor Fire Total
2004-05 * * * * 28 * * * * * 4,002 4,968
2005-06 * * * * 44 * * * * * 3,868 4,806
2006-07 * * * * 37 * * * * * 3,856 4,907
2007-08 * * * * 37 * * * * * 3,064 4,030
2008-09 * * * * 33 * * * * * 2,931 3,839
2009-10 716 208 143 336 28 14 1,588 402 843 159 2,992 4,437
2010-11 676 179 140 320 39 18 1,433 338 778 139 2,688 4,060
2011-12r 577 173 157 220 26 22 1,243 281 724 114 2,362 3,537
2012-13r 402 157 78 129 34 14 1,150 177 613 94 2,034 2,848
2013-14p 370 164 104 235 31 9 980 172 645 139 1,936 2,849
Secondary Outdoor Fires2
Refuse4 Number
Year Derelict buildings Grasslands Intentional straw or stubble Outdoor structure Derelict vehicle Other Outdoors (including land) Refuse - small/rubbish container
(eg wheelie bin)
Refuse - large/ rubbish container
(eg skip)
Refuse - loose/ rubbish tip Refuse subtotal Secondary Outdoor Fires Total
2004-05 1,241 * 74 * 678 * * * * * 27,547
2005-06 1,184 * 403 * 539 * * * * * 31,554
2006-07 1,002 * 639 * 828 * * * * * 32,397
2007-08 942 * 1,499 * 291 * * * * * 30,385
2008-09 932 * 67 * 218 * * * * * 25,651
2009-10 706 6,971 198 368 179 2,735 4,401 875 6,548 11,824 22,981
2010-11 738 8,619 127 438 159 3,056 4,660 879 5,531 11,070 24,207
2011-12r 642 5,217 120 392 101 2,282 4,473 705 4,749 9,927 18,681
2012-13r 483 3,476 61 336 69 1,905 3,722 625 3,599 7,946 14,276
2013-14p 378 6,087 68 375 81 1,815 3,462 648 3,445 7,555 16,359

p -provisional
r - revised
1 - there has been a change in the recording of other primary fires - see section 6.5.2 i and 6.5.3 ii for details
2 - there has been a change in the recording of secondary fires - see section 6.5.3 iii for details
3 - Figures for primary fires prior to 2009-10 are based on sample data weighted to (former) Fire and Rescue Service totals
4 - there has been a change to refuse sub-categories, see section 6.5.3 iii for details


Email: Phillipa Haxton

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