
Fire Statistics Review

A report on statistics users responses to a consultation on the presentation of fire statistics following transition to a single service.

1. Introduction and Aim

Scottish Government is responsible for two main statistical publications relating to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service:

  • Fire Statistics, Scotland - the publication reporting on fires and incidents attended by the FRS. The publication is a National Statistics Product.
  • Fire and Rescue Service Statistics, Scotland - reporting on the FRS data - workforce, stations and vehicles, fire safety audits, home fire safety visits and attacks on firefighters. This publication is an official statistics product.

Following transition to the single Scottish Fire and Rescue Service in April 2013, it is no longer meaningful to present the fire publications data for the 8 legacy Scottish Fire and Rescue Service areas. This means we need to make some changes to how we provide the information and the format we provide it in. To decide the future format, Scottish Government invited users to provide feedback, by means of a consultation, on how they would prefer to receive data in relation to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

From this stakeholder consultation, we aim to identify users' needs and ensure that they are being met. Responses to the consultation will be used to inform Scottish Government decision making on changes to the publications, including their format and content.

This report contains sections first of all reporting the responses to the consultation and then a discussion of the Scottish Government action based on those responses. A final section sets out the recommendations that we plan to implement in the statistical publications.


Email: Kirsty Bosley

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