
Fire Statistics Review

A report on statistics users responses to a consultation on the presentation of fire statistics following transition to a single service.

3. Responses - all

3.1 Respondents - who replied?

Statistics users signed up to the ScotStat[1] website were all notified of the consultation along with known stakeholders including staff of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and board, policy teams in Scottish and other government departments and members of relevant working groups.

The person responding could reply as an individual or on behalf of an organisation. Where people responded on behalf of an organisation these responses were presumed to be the collective views of more than one individual.

There were 35 respondents to the consultation. 66% responded as individuals and 34% representing their organisations, including one respondent providing views for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

We asked about the sector that most accurately describes respondents' work. They said:

Fire and Rescue Service (Scotland) 20%
Fire and Rescue Service (non-Scotland) 6%
Central Government 14%
Local Government 11%
Other public sector 6%
Education/Further Education 3%
Other 40%
Total respondents 35

Table 1 : Respondents' backgrounds


Email: Kirsty Bosley

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