
Fire Statistics Scotland 2011-12

Fire Statistics Scotland 2011-12

Table 13b: Rate of Non-Fire and Rescue Service fatal casualties from primary fires where the gender is known by cause of death per million population 2011-12 provisional - Scotland

  Non Fire and Rescue Service Fatal Casualties3
Cause of death Female Male Total
Burns 1.1 1.6 1.3
Burns and overcome by gas or smoke1 2.2 4.7 3.4
Overcome by gas, smoke or fumes 2.6 5.9 4.2
Physical injuries2 - - -
Other specified - - -
Unspecified/not known 1.1 2.7 1.9
Total 7.0 14.9 10.8


1 - tables show main injuries only, priority is given to 'burns' and being 'overcome by gas or smoke'.

However, if both these injuries occur, these are shown together

2 - if 'physical injuries' and 'shock' occur, then physical injuries is recorded

3 - refers to persons who are not members of the fire and rescue service


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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