
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

1. Introduction

This publication provides a detailed overview of Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services (FRSs) incident statistics covering the 10 year period from 2003-04 to 2012-13 at Fire and Rescue Service and Scotland level. The information supplied for 2012-13 is calculated on provisional data.

On the 1st April 2013, the 8 FRSs of Scotland became the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). The statistics in this publication cover the year immediately preceding the establishment of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS). This is the final year that this publication will include statistics at the geographic level of the 8 FRSs.

These statistics are compiled from reports submitted to the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) on incidents attended by Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services

In April 2009, Scotland started to use the electronic Incident Recording System (IRS). This caused some discontinuity with reporting of the time series for some of the tables, details of this are contained in section 6.2.

Chart 1- Fatal casualties from primary fires, Scotland 1994-95 to 2012-13p

Chart 1- Fatal casualties from primary fires, Scotland 1994-95 to 2012-13


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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