
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 4a: False fire alarms 2012-13 provisional - Fire and Rescue Service

Number Percentage
FRS Fire - Malicious Fire - Due to Apparatus Fire - Good Intent Fire False Alarms Total Fire - Malicious Fire - Due to Apparatus Fire - Good Intent
Central 87 1,883 647 2,617 3.3 72.0 24.7
Dumfries & Galloway 7 416 115 538 1.3 77.3 21.4
Fife 83 1,610 392 2,085 4.0 77.2 18.8
Grampian 103 2,864 412 3,379 3.0 84.8 12.2
Highlands & Islands 87 1,572 511 2,170 4.0 72.4 23.5
Lothian & Borders 442 8,219 2,131 10,792 4.1 76.2 19.7
Strathclyde 1,324 14,742 5,013 21,079 6.3 69.9 23.8
Tayside 166 3,599 618 4,383 3.8 82.1 14.1
Scotland 2,299 34,905 9,839 47,043 4.9 74.2 20.9


p - provisional

r - revised


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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