
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 12c: Non-fatal casualties from primary fires by gender and nature of injury 2012-13 provisional - Scotland

Non Fire and Rescue Service
Non-Fatal Casualties3
Nature of injury Female Male Unknown/
Total Fire and Rescue Service4 Non-Fatal Casualties Total
Burns 48 75 - 123 5 128
Burns and overcome by gas or smoke1 6 9 - 15 - 15
Overcome by gas, smoke or fumes 243 279 2 524 - 524
Smoke Inhalation (not overcome)5 18 23 - 41 - 41
Physical injuries2 17 29 - 46 5 51
Shock only 11 5 - 16 - 16
Precautionary check-up 147 163 7 317 1 318
Other specified 91 100 - 191 5 196
Unspecified/not known 14 8 - 22 - 22
Total 595 691 9 1,295 16 1,311


1 - tables show main injuries only, priority is given to 'burns' and being 'overcome by gas or smoke'.

However, if both these injuries occur, these are shown together

2 - if 'physical injuries' and 'shock' occur, then physical injuries is recorded

3 - refers to persons who are not members of the fire and rescue service

4 - refers to fire and rescue service personnel

5 - this category is a subset of 'others' - where FRS stated smoke inhalation occurred but not severe enough to be classified as person was overcome


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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