
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 19: Secondary fires by motive of fire - 2009-10 to 2012-13p - Scotland

Accidental Secondary Fires1 Number
Year Derelict Building Grassland Intentional straw or strubble Outdoor structures Derelict Vehicle Other outdoors (including land) Refuse - small/ rubbish container (eg wheelie bin) Refuse - large/ rubbish container (eg skip) Refuse - loose/ rubbish tip Refuse Subtotal Total accidental secondary fires
2009-10 105 1,753 49 162 67 464 931 197 977 2,105 4,705
2010-11r 53 1,220 26 165 40 194 524 92 292 908 2,606
2011-12r 55 1,062 34 161 23 183 579 80 296 955 2,473
2012-13p 43 754 14 143 13 143 528 77 243 848 1,958
Deliberate Secondary Fires1 Number
Year Derelict Building Grassland Intentional straw or stubble Outdoor structures Derelict Vehicle Other outdoors (including land) Refuse - small/ rubbish container (eg wheelie bin) Refuse - large/ rubbish container (eg skip) Refuse - loose/ rubbish tip Refuse Subtotal Total deliberate secondary fires
2009-10 601 5,218 149 206 112 2,271 3,470 678 5,571 9,719 18,276
2010-11r 685 7,399 101 273 119 2,862 4,136 787 5,239 10,162 21,601
2011-12r 586 4,145 86 231 77 2,099 3,901 626 4,452 8,979 16,203
2012-13p 438 2,656 47 190 55 1,763 3,192 548 3,349 7,089 12,238


p - provisional

r - revised

1 - there has been a change in the recording of secondary fires - see section 6.5.3 iii for details, unable to supply trend data before 2009-10 for above table

2 - there has been a change to special services sub-categories, see section 6.5.5 iii for details


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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