
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 24a: Accidental dwelling fires where impairment due to suspected alcohol/drugs use was a contributory factor, 2012-13 provisional - Fire and Rescue service

Number Percentage
Suspected alcohol/drugs1 Suspected alcohol/drugs1
FRS Yes No Not known Total accidental dwelling fires Yes No Not known
Central 25 132 28 185 13.5 71.4 15.1
Dumfries & Galloway 14 80 4 98 14.3 81.6 4.1
Fife 39 197 26 262 14.9 75.2 9.9
Grampian 75 381 27 483 15.5 78.9 5.6
Highlands & Islands 24 142 9 175 13.7 81.1 5.1
Lothian & Borders 120 751 190 1,061 11.3 70.8 17.9
Strathclyde 416 1,587 299 2,302 18.1 68.9 13.0
Tayside 62 305 61 428 14.5 71.3 14.3
Scotland 775 3,575 644 4,994 15.5 71.6 12.9


p - provisional

r - revised

1 - see section 6.9.1 for definition for fires


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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