
Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13

Statistical bulletin providing statistics on the incidents that Scotland's Fire and Rescue Services attended in 2012-13.

Table 1a: Fires by location, 2012-13 provisional - Fire and Rescue Service

Primary Fires Primary Total Secondary Fires Chimney Fires All Fires
FRS Dwellings Other Buildings Road Vehicles Others
Central 206 118 80 39 443 596 32 1,071
Dumfries & Galloway 107 65 54 11 237 125 106 468
Fife 298 132 130 68 628 691 39 1,358
Grampian 555 254 216 72 1,097 756 197 2,050
Highlands & Islands 183 113 119 68 483 589 508 1,580
Lothian & Borders 1,207 420 296 184 2,107 2,021 157 4,285
Strathclyde 2,788 1,089 999 327 5,203 8,737 219 14,159
Tayside 476 190 138 43 847 681 114 1,642
Scotland 5,820 2,381 2,032 812 11,045 14,196 1,372 26,613


p - provisional

r - revised

1 - figures before 2009-10 for primary fires are based on sample data weighted to Fire and Rescue Service totals


Email: Lindsay Bennison

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