Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2012

Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2012

Table 13: Article 7 Authorities1 - number of applications (granted) in Scotland by certificate and non-certificate holders and for possession outside the UK as at 31 December, 2003 to 2012


Year Number of Applications (Granted)
Certificate Holders Non-Certificate Holders For Possession Outside UK
2003 - - -
2004 - - -
2005 1 - -
2006 3 - -
2007 2 - -
2008 - - -
2009 1 - -
2010 - - -
2011 - - -
2012 - - -


1. For further information on Article 7 Authorities please see Note 4.6.3.


Email: Neil Henderson

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