
Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2014-15

Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, March 2014

Key Points

As at 1 April 2015;

  • There were 26,112 Firearm Certificates on issue. This is practically unchanged since the end of March 2014 and has remained broadly stable since 2006.
  • There were 48,941 Shot Gun Certificates on issue. This is slightly lower (down 0.5%) than the 49,165 Shot Gun Certificates on issue as at the end of March 2014. Since 2006 the number of Shot Gun Certificates has reduced by 1,033 or 2.1%.
  • There were 346 registered firearm dealers in Scotland. This is twelve fewer than the 358 reported as at the end of March 2014.

As at 1 October 2015;

  • There were 54,435 unique firearms possessed on certificates, and there were 107,646 unique shotguns possessed on certificates.


Email: Alastair Greig

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