Firearms Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2013

Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland, 2013

Table 1: Firearm Certificates - number of new applications (granted and refused), firearm certificates on issue and items held on firearm certificates in Scotland as at 31 December, 2004 to 2013

  Number & Rate
Year Applications for new firearm certificates Firearm certificates on issue Firearm certificates on issue per 100,000 population1 Items held on firearm certificates Average number of items held on each firearm certificate
Granted Refused
2004 1,086 12 26,897 529 63,115 2.3
20052 1,059 18 26,511 519 63,710 2.4
20062 1,147 9 26,234 511 66,164 2.5
2007 1,194 9 26,056 504 66,893 2.6
2008 1,030 13 26,415 508 69,481 2.6
2009 1,112 12 26,072 498 70,856 2.7
2010 1,135 17 26,035 495 70,410 2.7
2011 1,121 20 25,831 487 71,860 2.8
2012 1,137 12 25,702 484 72,005 2.8
20133 1,059 8 26,020 488 84,358 3.2

1. Mid-year population estimates are from the National Records of Scotland:
2. A software problem in 2005 and 2006 affected the data submitted by the legacy Fife Constabulary. For further information please see Note 4.2.3.
3. Due to a change in recording practices relating to sound moderators, there has been an increase of around 10,000 in the number of items held on firearm certificates. For further information please see Note 4.2.6.


Email: Neil Henderson

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