
Firework control zones: guidance for local authorities

Guidance which details the process local authorities should follow for designating, amending, or revoking a firework control zone within their boundaries.


1. Scottish Government. (2019). "A consultation on fireworks in Scotland: Your experiences, your ideas, your views".

2. Firework Review Group. (2020). Report to the Scottish Government.

3. Explosives Act 1875, s80.

4. Scottish Government. (2016). "The 5 Step Approach to Evaluation: Designing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions". Step 3: Draw a Logic Model.

5. UK Government. (2018). Consultation Principles.

6. Ambade, B,. Ghosh, S. (2013). Characterization of PM10 in the ambient air during Deepawali festival of Rajnandgaon district, India. Natural Hazards 69(1), 589–598. doi:10.1007/s11069-013-0725-8

7. Office for Product Safety and Standards. (2023). "Noise Testing of Fireworks".

8. Smith, T. (2011). Firework Displays: Explosive Entertainment. New York, NY: Chemical Pub. Co.

9. Lancaster, R. et al. (2005) Fireworks: Principles and practice. 4th edn. New York, NY: Chemical Pub. Co.

10. The Explosives Industry Group have developed a free tool which is specifically for the purpose of fireworks.

11. Scottish Government. (2019). "Fireworks in Scotland: Analysis of Responses to Consultation".

12. Scottish Government. (2021). "Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Bill: Consultation Analysis".

13. Scottish Government. (2019). "Fireworks legislation and impacts: international evidence review".

14. Macneal, P., Torres-Grau, J., Atkins, J., Williams, G. (2018). Letter to the Editor: High numbers of firework related injury referrals to the London Burns Service during the recent 'Bonfire night' period, is it time for new regulations?. Burns, 44, 1011-1023.

15. Khanna, T. (2003). Bang goes my quiet night (fireworks). Environmental Health Journal, 111(10), 296-298.

16. Knox, F.A., Chan, W.C., Jackson, A.J., Foot, B., Sharkey, J.A. and McGinnity, F.G. (2008). A British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit study on serious ocular injuries from fireworks in the UK. Eye, 22, 944-947.

17. Pringle E, Eckstein MB, Casswell AG, Hughes EH. (2012). New firework caused severe eye injuries at a public display. BMJ (Clin Res Ed) DOI: 345:e6579

18. Evaluation of firework-related harm in Scotland October 2020

19. Jeyabal, P., Davies, L., Rousselot, A. et al. (2019). Fireworks: boon or bane to our eyes?. International Ophthalmol (2019), p1-5.

20. Epstein, S., Lyons, T.W., Hintza, R., Keys, K.A. (2018). Fireworks Legislation and the Incidence of Severe Fireworks related Injuries in Washington State. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 227(4), 1, S146-S147.

21. Chan, W.C., Knox, F.A., McGinnity, F.G., Sharkey, J.A. (2004). Serious eye and adnexal injuries from fireworks in Northern Ireland before and after lifting of the firework ban-an ophthalmology unit's experience. Int. Ophthalmol, 25(3), 167-169.

22. Brouĉek, J. (2014). Effect of noise on performance, stress, and behaviour of animals. Slovak Journal of Animal Science, 47(2): 111-123

23. Bassett L & Buchanan-Smith HM (2007) Effects of predictability on the welfare of captive animals. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 102: 223-245

24. Wright AJ, Soto NA, Baldwin AL, Bateson M, Beale CM, Clark C, Deak T, Edwards EF, Fernandez A, Godinho A, Hatch LT, Kakuschke A, Lusseau D, Martineau D, Romero LM, Weilgart LS, Wintle BA, Notarbartolo-di-Sciara G & Martin V (2007) Anthropogenic noise as a stressor in animals: a multidisciplinary perspective. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 20: 250-273

25. British Veterinary Association. (2019). "Fireworks Evidence Submission – BVA Survey".

26. Grandin, T. (1989) Behavioural Principles of Livestock Handling, American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists, p.2.

27. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. (1997). Guidelines for managing fireworks in the vicinity of piping plovers and seabeach amaranth on the U.S. Atlantic Coast, February 4, 1997.

28. Weigland JF & McChesney GJ (2008) Seabird and marine mammal monitoring and response to a fireworks display at Gualala Point Island, Sonoma County, California, May to August 2007. United States Bureau of Land Management and Fish and Wildlife Service. 12 February 2008.

29. Stanley MK, Kelers K, Boller E, Boller M. (2019). Acute barium poisoning in a dog after ingestion of handheld fireworks (party sparklers). Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 29 (2): 201 – 207.

30. Schrunk DE, Miskimins D, Ensley SM. (2014). Phosphorous toxicosis following fireworks ingestion. AAVLD Annual Conference Proceedings, Kansas City: 50

31. Baby, J, Raj, JS, Biby, ET, Sankarganesh, P, Jeevitha, MV, Ajisha, SU, and Rajan, SS (2010). Toxic effect of heavy metals on aquatic environment. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 4, 939–952.

32. The British Horse Society maintain a map of incidents, which can be filtered to highlight fireworks incidents.

33. Austin, H. (2019). "Written Evidence Submitted by H Austin".

34. Harrison, L. (2019). "Written Evidence Submitted by Lindsay Harrison".

35. Noise sensitivity (hyperacusis).

36. Figures provided to the Scottish Government by the National Autistic Society Scotland.

37. Oral evidence provided by the Director of National Autistic Society Scotland, Rob Holland, to the Criminal Justice Committee as a part of proceedings on the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill. Official Report.

38. National Autistic Society Scotland response to the Criminal Justice Committee Call for Views on the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill.

39. Guide Dogs Scotland response to the Criminal Justice Committee Call for Views on the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill.

40. Jones, G. (2019). "Guide Dogs in fireworks warning".

41. Fenetic Wellbeing. (2019). "Are fireworks celebrations accessible for the disabled and elderly?".

42. PTSD UK. "Remember, Remember… Those with PTSD".

43. Fasfous, A.F; Peralta-Ramírez, I. and Pérez-García, M. (2013). "Symptoms of PTSD among Children Living in War Zones in Same Cultural Context and Different Situations". Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 7 (2).

44. Javanbakht A, Rosenberg D, Haddad L, Arfken CL. (2018). "Mental Health in Syrian Refugee Children Resettling in the United States: War Trauma, Migration, and the Role of Parental Stress". Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 57(3):209-211.

45. Iversen, A.C., van Staden, L., Hughes, J.H. et al. (2009), The prevalence of common mental disorders and PTSD in the UK military: using data from a clinical interview-based study. BMC Psychiatry 9, 68.

46. Fear, N.T., Jones, M., Murphy, D., et al. (2010) What are the consequences of deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan on the mental health of the UK armed forces? A cohort study. Lancet. 22;375 (9728) pp.1783-97.

47. Harvey, S. B., Hatch, S. L, Jones M, et al. (2011), Coming home: Social Functioning and the Mental Health of UK Reservists on Return From Deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. Annals of Epidemiology 21 9, pp.666-672.

48. Bergman, Beverly P. (2015) The Scottish veterans' health study: a retrospective cohort study of 57,000 military veterans and 173,000 matched non-veterans. PhD thesis. University of Glasgow.

49. Tran, M. (2014). "Bonfire night sparks unwanted memories of combat for war veterans". The Guardian.

50. Walker, E. D., Lee, N. F., Tieskens, K. F., Jay, J., Walker, L. J., Luse, M., Celestin, R., Smith, J., Mejia, J., & Levy, J. I. (2022). Firework activity and environmental sound levels: community impacts and solutions. Cities & Health, 6(3), 552–563.

51. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. (2015). "Ban on fireworks in refugee shelters".

52. Noack, R. (2015). "Fireworks might traumatize refugees, Germans told".

53. Bateman Philip W., Gilson Lauren N., Bradshaw Penelope (2023) Not just a flash in the pan: short and long term impacts of fireworks on the environment. Pacific Conservation Biology.

54. Public Health England. (2018). "Health Matters: Air Pollution".

55. Scottish Government. (2022). "Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - Towards a Better Place for Everyone".

56. Scottish Government. (2019). "Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy: independent review".

57. Sijimol MR, Mohan M (2014) Environmental impacts of perchlorate with special reference to fireworks – a review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186, 7203–7210. doi:10.1007/s10661-014-3921-4.

58. Rindelaub JD, Davy PK, Talbot N, Pattinson W, Miskelly GM (2021) The contribution of commercial fireworks to both local and personal air quality in Auckland, New Zealand. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 21650–21660. doi:10.1007/s11356-020-11889-4

59. Lin, C-C. (2016). A review of the impact of fireworks on particulate matter in ambient air. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 66(12), 1171-1182. DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2016.1219280

60. World Health Organization. (2021) Review of evidence on health aspects of air pollution: REVIHAAP project: technical report.

61. Singh A, Pant P, Pope FD (2019) Air quality during and after festivals: aerosol concentrations, composition and health effects. Atmospheric Research, 227: 220–232. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.05.012

62. National Centre for Atmospheric Science. (2019). "Response to the Petitions Committee Inquiry into Fireworks".

63. Environmental Protection UK. (2016). "Fireworks".

64. Reyes-Villegas, E., Priestley, M., Ting, Y. C., Haslett, S., Bannan, T., Le Breton, M., Williams, P. I., Bacak, A., Flynn, M. J., Coe, H., Percival, C., and Allan, J. D. (2018). "Simultaneous aerosol mass spectrometry and chemical ionisation mass spectrometry measurements during a biomass burning event in the UK: insights into nitrate chemistry", Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 4093-4111.

65. LAQN, (2010). 'Very High' Pollution Incident Notification: Guy Fawkes and Diwali events 2010.

66. Priestley, M., Le Breton, M., Bannan, T. J., Leather, K. E., Bacak, A., Reyes-Villegas, E., De Vocht, F., Shallcross, B. M. A., Brazier, T., Khan, M. A., Allan, J., Shallcross, D. E., Coe, H., and Percival, C. J. (2018). Observations of isocyanate, Amide, Nitrate, and Nitro Compounds From an Anthropogenic biomass burning Using a Tof-CIMS, Journal Geophysical Research -Atmospheres, 123: pp7687-7704, .

67. Scottish Air Quality. (2019). "Elevated Particulate Matter Levels on Bonfire Night 2019".

68. Environment Act 1995, s83.

69. Based on data held by Scottish Air Quality.

70. Office for Product Safety and Standards. (2020). Fireworks: noise levels and impacts on health and the environment.

71. Scottish Government. (2022). "National litter and flytipping strategy: consultation analysis".

72. Home Office. (2021). "Fire incidents with fireworks as source of ignition, England".

73. Ellis L, McWhirter C. (2015). Fireworks Sales Skyrocket as More States Lift Bans. Wall Street Journal (Online).

74. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. (2023). "More than one wildfire a day recorded last Spring".

75. Vesty, S. (2022). "Huge wildfire in Glen Etive sparked by "fireworks" as "five football pitches" of land destroyed". Daily Record.

76. Scottish Government. (2019). "Fireworks legislation and impacts: international evidence review".

77. This definition is drawn from the Scottish Government's Participation Request guidance.

78. Police Scotland. (2022). "Launch of Operation Moonbeam 2022".

79. Ofcom. (2022). "News Consumption Survey 2022".

80. Police Scotland. (2021). "Police Launch Operation Crackle Ahead of Bonfire Night".

81. Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004, c. 21.

82. The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research. (2019). "Youth Justice".

83. Scottish Government. (2021). "Justice for children and young people - a rights-respecting approach: vision and priorities".

84. Lord Kilbrandon. (1964). "The Kilbrandon Report: Children and Young Persons in Scotland".

85. Douglas, BD,. and Brauer, M. (2021). "Gamification to prevent climate change: a review of games and apps for sustainability", Current Opinion in Psychology, 42: pp89–94

86. Chow, CY,. Riantiningtyas, RR,. Kanstrup, MB,. Papavasileiou, M,. Liem, GD,. Olsen, A. (2020). "Can games change children's eating behaviour? A review of gamification and serious games", Food Quality and Preference, 80: 103823.

87. Pickering, K. and Pringle, A. (2018). "Gamification for Physical Activity Behaviour Change". Perspectives in Public Health, 138 (6): pp309-310.

88. Scottish SPCA. (2021). "Primary Firework Safety".

89. Scottish SPCA. (2021). "Secondary Firework Safety".

90. Scottish SPCA. (2021). "Multiple agency campaign asks people to consider #FireworkSafety".

91. UK Government. (2020). The Magenta Book.

92. UK Government. (2022). The Green Book.

93. Scottish Government. (2016). "The 5 Step Approach to Evaluation: Designing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions". Step 4: Monitor Your Logic Model.



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