
Firework Review Group: report to the Scottish Government

The final report from the Firework Review Group presents recommendations to Scottish Ministers on tightening legislation on fireworks in Scotland.

Benefits and Outcomes

From as early as our first meeting in December 2019, we recognised that it was very unlikely we would identify one single legislative option that would on its own support the outcomes highlighted in the Fireworks Action Plan and the overall aim of supporting a culture change in how we use fireworks in Scotland.

We recognise that sustainable change will only be achieved through action and effort in a broad range of areas. We therefore centre our recommendations for change alongside the range of other actions that are set out in the Fireworks Action Plan and work that is underway by partners across Scotland.

We have developed a benefits map that brings together the work of the Group alongside the range of other work that is underway. This highlights the clear interdependencies across the range of actions that are underway, and how they collectively contribute towards achieving substantial and sustainable change.

The map highlights the context behind the changes that we recommend, the benefits we anticipate as a result of the proposed changes; as well as potential resulting disbenefits of the proposed change, including outcomes from change that are perceived by one or more stakeholders as negative.

“We centre our recommendations for change alongside the range of other actions that are set out in the Fireworks Action Plan.”

Benefits Map
A benefits map is a form of influence diagram and is a visual way to show the complex relationships between multiple outputs, benefits and the strategic objectives that the benefits support. The map highlights, through interlinking arrows, the interdependencies across the range of actions that are underway, and how they collectively contribute towards achieving substantial and sustainable change. The map illustrates the context behind the changes that are recommended, the benefits anticipated as a result of the proposed changes; as well as potential dis-benefits of the proposed change, including outcomes from change that are perceived by one or more stakeholders as negative.



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