Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Articles (Scotland) Bill: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) for the Fireworks and Pyrotechnic Articles (Scotland) Bill.

17. Summary and Recommendation

17.1 Whilst monetisation of the expected impacts of measures in the Bill cannot be achieved, the Scottish Government believes that the benefits of introducing the comprehensive package of measures proposed within the Bill outweigh the associated costs.

17.2 A core element of the Bill is to promote the safe and appropriate use of fireworks and pyrotechnic articles, and ensure that those permitted to purchase and use fireworks are aware of how to do so in a responsible manner. By introducing a package of measures, it is anticipated that the financial and resource burden on the emergency services and NHS will be reduced as there will be fewer incidents to respond to and less injuries and harm as a result of fireworks use. Whilst this may take time to embed and for a positive impact to be seen, this is part of the long term shift in consumer behaviours that the Bill seeks to achieve.

17.3 Responses to the 2019 and 2021 consultations indicated that people felt that the use of fireworks causes harm to people, animals and whole communities. This includes through the deliberate misuse of fireworks by individuals, as well as the noise disturbance caused by the legitimate use of fireworks, and can have an impact on physical and mental wellbeing. The lived experience of those living in communities where the use of fireworks has a particularly detrimental impact, particularly at certain times of the year when fireworks are more readily available to consumers, was heard in both consultations. Similarly, responses to the 2021 consultation indicated that people have concerns about the misuse of pyrotechnic articles, and support a legislative response to tackle it.

17.4 It is acknowledged that it is likely the measures could have a significant impact on specialist firework businesses, including retailers who are licensed to sell fireworks all year round. However, on balance, taking into consideration important factors such as community safety and wellbeing, individual safety and the impact on the public purse of planning for and responding to firework related incidents, as well including a power to allow Scottish Ministers to make provision for the payment of compensation to address the economic impact of restricted days of supply, it is considered that the package of measures strikes a balance between increased restrictions and minimised impact on businesses as far as possible.



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