
Fireworks: the law

The rules on buying and using fireworks and pyrotechnics.

Buying and selling fireworks and pyrotechnics

You must be: 

  •  over 18 to buy ‘adult’ fireworks 

  • over 16 to buy category 1 fireworks (except for Christmas crackers and percussion caps for toy guns)

It is also illegal for adults to make fireworks or pyrotechnics available to anyone under the age of 18.

When you can buy fireworks

You can buy fireworks for private use from registered sellers on: 

  • 15 October to 10 November 

  • 26 to 31 December  

  • Diwali and the 3 days before Diwali 

  • the first day of Chinese New Year, and the 3 days before it

At other times you can only buy fireworks from specialist shops.


It is against the law for adults to buy, sell or give fireworks to anyone under 18, except category 1 fireworks (some sparklers, party poppers, novelty crackers). 

Storing fireworks 

You can keep up to 50kg of category 2 or 3 fireworks for up to 21 days as long as these are not for sale or use at work. This is to help people and organisations planning to hold larger firework displays. 

If you want to store more than 50kg of fireworks you will need a licence from your local council. The Health and Safety Executive provide further information on the storage of fireworks and pyrotechnics.

Selling and supplying fireworks 

Businesses must have a licence to store and sell fireworks. You can get more guidance on this and apply for a licence through your local council. 

Registered sellers can only sell fireworks to the public between 7am and 6pm on the above dates. You'll need to apply for an additional licence if you want to sell fireworks outside these dates.

You must not sell or supply more than 5kg of fireworks to a member of the public at any one time.

What counts as supplying fireworks


Supply is defined in the Fireworks Act 2003. This includes any supply which is done in the course of business, including:

  • selling them
  • a retailer exchanging them for anything other than money, and
  • a retailer giving them as a prize or gift

Suppliers outside of Scotland

The law set out in this guide applies to anyone supplying fireworks to the public in Scotland. This includes businesses based outside Scotland selling fireworks online where delivery takes place in Scotland.


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