First Estimates of the Cereal and Oilseed Rape Harvest 2014

This publication contains early estimates fo the 2014 Scottish cereal and oilseed rape harvest, including estimates of yields and production levels.

Table 1: Cereal Area, Yield and Production 2013 and 2014

Crop 2013 2014 % Change 2013/2014
Area Yield Production Area2 Yield Production Area Yield Production
(000 ha) (t/ha) (000 t) (000 ha) (t/ha) (000 t)
Wheat 87 7.5 653 109 8.7 954 25.5% 16.4% 46.1%
Winter Barley 43 6.6 281 53 7.7 406 23.0% 17.7% 44.8%
Spring Barley 296 5.8 1,714 274 6.4 1,746 -7.4% 10.1% 1.9%
Total Barley 339 5.9 1,994 327 6.6 2,152 -3.6% 12.0% 7.9%
Oats 32 5.9 187 25 6.9 173 -21.0% 17.2% -7.5%
Total Cereals1 458 6.2 2,837 461 7.1 3,282 0.7% 14.9% 15.7%
Oilseed Rape 34 3.3 112 37 4.1 151 10.4% 22.3% 35.0%

(1) Includes Triticale

Basis of Production Estimates

The 2014 estimates of production are based on final crop areas from the 2014 June Census, along with crop yield estimates from Scottish Government Agricultural Staff, supplemented by discussions with industry experts and trade organisations. The 2013 estimates of production are based on final yield results from the 2013 Cereal Production Survey and final crop areas from the 2013 June Census.

Some caution is advised when comparing these preliminary trends in yield and production estimates between 2013 and 2014 which have been derived from different sources. Final estimates of production from the 2014 harvest will be obtained from the 2014 Cereal Production Survey and published in December 2014.


Email: Andrew Walker

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