
Fiscal framework: factsheet

Detailed information about the fiscal framework agreed between the Scottish and UK Governments.

Crown Estate Scotland and Coastal Communities Fund

The Scottish and UK Governments agreed as part of the 2016 fiscal framework agreement that that we would take on responsibility for managing the majority of Crown Estate assets in Scotland. We have also assumed full responsibility for all associated liabilities relating to the Crown Estate assets in Scotland. Further details of which assets were transferred can be found in The Crown Estate Transfer Scheme 2017Crown Estate Scotland is a Public Corporation.

Responsibility for the Coastal Communities Fund was also devolved.

Crown Estate Scotland

Under the 2016 fiscal framework agreement, a £6.6 million annual deduction was applied to Scotland’s block grant. During the 2023 review of the fiscal framework, we agreed with the UK Government that this annual deduction to the Scotland’s block grant will be set at an incremental rate from 2024-25. The rate is as follows:






2028-29 onwards

Baseline Adjustment






Coastal Communities Fund

Following the 2016 fiscal framework agreement, a baseline addition of £5 million was made to Scotland’s block grant to account for the devolution of the Coastal Communities Fund. This addition equated to the UK Government spending on the Coastal Communities Fund in the year immediately prior to devolution. Although the UK fund has now ceased, this funding remains baselined within Scotland’s block grant and is subject to the normal operation of the Barnett formula.



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