
Fiscal framework: factsheet

Detailed information about the fiscal framework agreed between the Scottish and UK Governments.


The Joint Exchequer Committee (JEC) is a Scottish and UK governmental ministerial committee, which  governs the implementation, operation and review of the fiscal framework and fiscal matters relating to the Scotland Act 2016. The JEC can also discuss any other issues arising which Ministers from either government refer to the JEC.

The JEC is supported by meetings of the Joint Exchequer Committee (Officials), or JEC(O), which is the officials level version of the JEC.

JECs also play a role in the dispute resolution process. If a difference of view between the Scottish and UK governments cannot be settled at working level, it would become a dispute and be referred to senior officials (at Director level or above), including consideration at JEC(O). If no resolution can be reached, the matter becomes a formal dispute and would be referred to Ministers to be raised and discussed at a meeting of the JEC.

The JEC Terms of Reference and JEC(O) remit is outlined in Annex D and Annex E of the 2023 fiscal framework agreement.



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