Fiscal framework: factsheet

Detailed information about the fiscal framework agreed between the Scottish and UK Governments.

Scotland Reserve

The Scotland Act 2016 replaced a previous power under the Scotland Act 2012 (to operate a limited cash reserve) and the HMT rules on the Budget Exchange Mechanism with a new Scotland Reserve. This allows the us to build up funds when devolved revenues are higher than forecast, smooth all types of spending (including carrying-forward underspends), assist the management of tax volatility and determine the timing of expenditure. The Scotland Reserve applied from 2017-18 onwards and is split between resource and capital.

As of 2023 to 2024 and the conclusion of the review of the fiscal framework, the Reserve is capped at £700 million in 2023 to 2024 prices, (meaning these limits will be uprated annually from 2024 to 2025 using the OBR's GDP deflator forecast at the time of our draft Budget). In addition, the previous drawdown limits of £250 million for resource and £100 million for capital have been removed.

Updates on the balance of the Scotland Reserve are published at the following times of the year:

  • Spring Budget Revision (February)
  • Provisional Outturn Statement (June)
  • Fiscal framework Outturn Report (September)

We also report at each budget what funding it intends to draw down from the Reserve to underpin the forthcoming year’s spending plans.



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