Fiscal framework outturn report: 2024

The Fiscal Framework Outturn Report 2024 publishes outturn and reconciliation information for Scottish Income Tax, Scottish Landfill Tax, Land and Buildings Transaction Tax and devolved Social Security benefits, as well as updates on borrowing and the Scotland Reserve.

10. Scotland Reserve

88. The opening balance in the Scotland Reserve at the start of 2023-24 was £327 million. The closing balance on the Reserve for 2023-24 is £293 million, as detailed in Table 19.

Table 19: Scotland Reserve Forecast as at 2023-24 Provisional Outturn (£million)
Resource Capital Financial Transaction Total
2023-24 Opening Balance 250 32 45 327
2023-24 Drawdowns (250) (32) (45) (327)
2023-24 Additions to reserve 162 130 1 293
2023-24 Closing Balance (Provisional) 162 130 1 293

89. The Scottish Budget: 2024 to 2025 sets out the Scottish Government’s plans for the use of the Scotland Reserve.[14]

90. As part of the updated Fiscal Framework Review, the reserve drawdown limits of £250 million for resource and £100 million for capital have been abolished. The overall reserve limit of £700 million is now indexed to inflation.



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