
Fisheries Management Measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment

This assessment is undertaken to identify and assess the potential economic and social effects on the lives and circumstances of people, businesses, and communities. It investigates the potential cumulative economic benefits and costs and associated potential social impacts.

Appendix A Abbreviations

AIS Automatic Identification System

BRIA Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

CFP Common Fisheries Policy

CICES Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services

CSSEG Clean and Sea Seas Evidence Group

DPO Draft Plan Option

EC European Commission

EEA European Economic Area

ES Ecosystem Services

EU European Union

FTE Full-Time Equivalent

FWH Flexible Working Hours

GBP Pounds Stirling

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

GVA Gross Value Added

GW Gigawatt

HD Hydraulic dredges

HM His Majesty's

ICIA Islands Communities Impact Assessment

ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

INTOG Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation

JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee

MCZ Marine Conservation Zone

MMO Marine Management Organisation

MPA Marine Protected Area

N.D. Non Disclosive (cannot be published as relates to the activity of fewer than five vessels)

NEA National Ecosystem Assessment

NEAFC North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission

NM Nautical mile

NMPi National Marine Plan interactive

NNS Northern North Sea

NWW North Western Waters

OSPAR Oslo-Paris Convention

OT Otter trawls

PMF Priority Marine Feature

PV Present Value

SA Sustainability Appraisal

SAC Special Area of Conservation

SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEIA Social and Economic Impact Assessment

SIA Single Issuing Authority

SIC Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities

SPA Special Protection Area

STECF Social, Technical and Economic Committee on Fisheries

TAC Total Allowable Catch

UK United Kingdom

UKCS UK Continental Shelf

UKFMC UK Fisheries Monitoring Centre

UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

US United States

VMS Vessel Monitoring System

WTP Willingness to Pay



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