
Fisheries Management Measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) - Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report

This assessment is undertaken to identify and assess any likely environmental effects of the policy and its alternatives.


Table NTS1 Proposed Fisheries management measures within the 15 MPAs which have two management options

Table NTS2 Proposed Fisheries management measures within the 6 MPAs with one singe management option

Table 3 ....... Offshore MPAs for which two management measures options are proposed.

Table 4 ....... Offshore MPAs for which one management measure option is proposed.

Table 5........ Proposed scoping in/out of SEA topics.

Table 6........ Indicative criteria of potential effects.

Table 7........ Proposed SEA objectives.

Table 8 ....... Estimated overall environmental impact from management measures proposed under Option 1

Table 9 ....... Estimated overall environmental impact from management measures proposed under Option 2

Table C1..... Braemar Pockmarks SAC..

Table C2..... Central Fladen MPA..

Table C3..... East of Gannet and Montrose Field MPA..

Table C4..... Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt MPA..

Table C5..... Firth of Forth Banks Complex MPA..

Table C6..... Northeast Faroe-Shetland Channel MPA..

Table C7..... Norwegian Boundary Sediment Plain MPA..

Table C8..... Pobie Bank Reef SAC..

Table C9..... Scanner Pockmark SAC..

Table C10... Turbot Bank MPA..

Table C11... Anton Dohrn Seamount SAC..

Table C12... Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount MPA..

Table C13... Darwin Mounds SAC..

Table C14... East Rockall Bank SAC..

Table C15... Geikie Slide and Hebridean Slope MPA..

Table C16... Northwest Rockall Bank SAC..

Table C17... Solan Bank Reef SAC..

Table C18... Stanton Banks SAC..

Table C19... West of Scotland MPA..

Table C20... West Shetland Shelf MPA..

Table C21... Wyville-Thomson Ridge SAC..



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