
Fishing vessel weekly licence variations 10 July 2020

Information about fishing vessel licence variations effective 12 July 2020



Change to conditions text

Effective date

All Groups


section 4.5 in AU category

section 4.5 in AUP category

section 4.7 in AO category


Specific technical measures in the West of Scotland (300 mm SMP)  


From 1 July 2020, fishing vessels operating with bottom trawls or seines in ICES divisions 6a and 5b, within the Union waters, East of 12°W (West of Scotland) shall comply with the following technical measures: (a) mandatory use of a square mesh panel (positioning retained) of at least 300 mm for vessels deploying a cod-end mesh size less than 100 mm; for vessels below 12 m in length over all and/or with engine power of 200 kW or less, the panel overall length may be 2 m and the panel 200 mm in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fisheries; (b) mandatory use of a square mesh panel (positioning retained) of at least 160 mm for vessels deploying a cod-end mesh size of 100-119 mm and if catches comprising more than 30 % of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus).


1) A selective gear or device assessed by the STECF as having the same or higher selectivity characteristics for cod, haddock and whiting than the measures set out in paragraph 1 may be used as an alternative to those measures


0001 hours on 12 July 2020

All Groups


Section 5.23 in AU, AUP & AO categories


Dogger Bank Scallop Fishery Closure



5.23 During the period 00:00 12th July 2020 to 23:59 8th August 2020  the vessel to which this licence relates may not be present in ICES rectangles, 39F1, 39F2, 39F3, 38F1, 38F2, 38F3, 37F1 and 37F2 whilst carrying dredges on board other than when transiting at a speed of more than six knots (except in the case of force majeure or adverse conditions).


5.23.1 Vessels transiting through the ICES rectangles referred to in condition 5.23 and which are carrying dredges must ensure that, for the entire duration of the period in the ICES rectangles referred to in that condition, the dredges are disconnected from the towing cable and unable to be deployed.


5.23.2 In the case of force majeure or adverse conditions, the master must immediately inform the UK Fisheries Monitoring Centre.”


0001 hours on 12 July 2020






Area of Sea


Effective Date

Non Sector


Change in catch limit

NS Haddock

IV; EU Waters of IIa

5 tonnes per week

0001 hours on 12 July 2020

Non Sector


Change in catch limit

NS Saithe

IIIa & IV; EU Waters of IIa, IIIbc

1 tonne per week

0001 hours on 12 July 2020

Non Sector


Change in catch limit

NS Whiting

IV; EU Waters of IIa

5 tonnes per week

0001 hours on 12 July 2020


(Moray Firth)


Change in catch limit


EU Waters of IIa, IIIbcd; IV

Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 12 July 2020 – 2359 25 July 2020




Change in catch limit


EU Waters of IIa, IIIbcd; IVa (North of 59’ 30’N)

Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 12 July 2020 – 2359 25 July 2020




Change in catch limit


EU Waters of IIa, IIIbcd; IVa (North of 58’ 30’N and South of 59’ 30’N)

Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 12 July 2020 – 2359 25 July 2020




Change in catch limit


IVb (North of 53’ 30’N and South of 57’ 30’ N)

Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 12 July 2020 – 2359 25 July 2020


Fisheries closures table 2020:- showing the current status of fish stocks following the issue and publication of the above variations (if any).

Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2020:- showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

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