
Fishing vessel weekly licence variations 12 March 2021

Fishing vessel weekly licence variations 12 March 2021


Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence

Change to conditions text

Effective from

All Groups


AU –   section 2.15

AUP – section 2.17

AO –   section 2.21


Removal of licence condition


Authority: Blue Whiting


This licence does not authorise fishing for blue whiting, except insofar as the vessel to which this licence relates is obliged to retain on board, record and land catches within the terms of paragraph 3.2 below.




0001 hours on 14 March 2021













Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence

Change to conditions text

Effective from

All Groups


Section 5.26 in all categories


Red Rocks and Longay MPA, Inner Sound


5.26.1      A fishing vessel must not be present in the Area defined in SSI 131/2021 other than when travelling at a speed of greater than six knots (except in the case of force majeure or adverse weather conditions or fishing for pelagic species with trawl or encircling nets).

5.26.2         In the case of either of the above contact must immediately be made with the UKFMC and details given of the vessels intentions.


Details and documentation in respect of this restriction can be found at:



0001 hours on 14 March 2021




























We are introducing new monitoring and enforcement procedures for fishing at Rockall to protect important habitats and juvenile fish stocks.

Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence

Change to conditions text

Effective from

All Groups


Section 5.27 in all categories


Rockall (Area VIb) – all closed or restricted areas


All vessels transiting such areas must maintain a transit speed of six knots or more (except in the case of force majeure or adverse conditions).  Any vessel falling below six knots in a restricted area must make contact with the UKFMC immediately, detailing i) why they are in a restricted area below six knots ii) how long they intend to be there and estimated time of departure.

0001 hours on 14 March 2021


















Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2021 - showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

Fisheries closures table 2021 - showing the current status of fish stocks following the issue and publication of the above variations (if any).










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