Fishing vessel weekly licence variations 12 November 2021

Scottish fishing vessel licence variations announced on 12 November 2021

Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2021 - showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

Fisheries closures table 2021 - showing the current status of fish stocks following the issue and publication of the above variations (if any).


Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence

Licence Conditions Text Amendment

Effective Date

ALL 10m and under groups and
ALL over 10m groups


Marine mammal reporting requirements


1.11  Where the vessel undertakes fishing activities the result of which causes or contributes to the mortality of or injury to any species of marine mammal, or where such species are taken as bycatch (regardless of whether such catches are retained on board) the master, owner, charterer, as appropriate, of the vessel to which this licence relates must complete and submit to the Marine Management Organisation a marine mammal injury reporting form in accordance with the guidance provided at [] no later than 48 hours after the vessel returns to port.


1.11.1 For the purposes of this licence condition, the term “marine mammal” means any mammal which (a) is morphologically adapted to the marine environment including sea otters and members of the orders Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises), Pinnipedia, (walrus, seals and sea lions) and Sirenia (dugongs and manatees), or (b) primarily inhabits the marine environment (such as the polar bear); and includes any part of any such marine mammal, including but not limited to its raw, dressed, or dyed fur or skin.


0001 hours on 15 November 2021


Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence



Area of Sea


Effective Date

ALL over 15m vessels in ALL groups


Effort Allocation

Edible Crab (Cancer pagurus) and Spider Crab (Maja sqinado)


280 days per annum

0001 hours on 14 November 2021

10 Metre and Under – Non PO

(Moray Firth)


Change in catch limit


Moray Firth

Fortnightly catch limit of 1 tonnes  

0001 hours on 14 November 2021 – 2359 hours on 27 November 2021

10 Metre and Under – Non PO



Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 1 tonne  

0001 hours on 14 November 2021 – 2359 hours on 27 November 2021

10 Metre and Under – Non PO




Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 1 tonne  

0001 hours on 14 November 2021 – 2359 hours on 27 November 2021

10 Metre and Under – Non PO




Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 1 tonnes 

0001 hours on 14 November 2021 – 2359 hours on 27 November 2021


























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