Fishing vessel weekly licence variations: 16 December 2022

Scottish fishing vessel licence variations announced on 16 December 2022

Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2022 - showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

Fisheries closures table 2022 - showing the current status of fish stocks following the issue and publication of the above variations (if any).

Notice to Masters: E-log

The purpose of this notice is to remind Masters of Fishing Vessels of the requirement to record position and fishing geographical area information, on Fishing Activity Reports (FARs), using the most detailed level when available. In addition to FAO Area, Sub-area, Division, EEZ and Statistical Rectangle this must also include FAO Sub-division (SD) where appropriate.

There have been instances recently where the SD attribute has not been included in FARS from some vessels which can result in difficulties when attributing quota uptake. To prevent any future issues we are asking Masters to ensure that, when undertaking fishing operations in a geographical area that has Sub-divisions, they ensure the correct SD is reported when completing a FAR particularly where the Statistical Rectangle incorporates more than one option. For example 50E2 would be Area 27, Sub-area 5, Division b, Sub-division 1 or 2 and Economic Zone FRO.

To facilitate this we advise confirming with the Elog system provider that the vessel is using a version of the software that supports the reporting of positional information to that level before fishing in these geographical areas.

Red Rocks and Longay update

With the public consultation on the proposal to designate Red Rocks and Longay as an MPA closing on the 26th April 2022, final management measures have been developed and agreed upon by Scottish Ministers.


A Nature Conservation MPA Designation Order was signed on 13 December 2022 and a Marine Conservation Order (MCO) has been signed & laid in parliament today (15 December 2022). Both will come into effect on 09 February 2023 giving permanent designation and protection for Red Rocks and Longay MPA. The current Urgent Orders remain in force until 9th February 2023. This is to notify stakeholders of the changes. Public consultation responses and associated documentation have also been published today, links are provided at the bottom of this email.


The Marine Conservation Order prohibits all the below activities:


  • Fishing - dredging
  • Fishing - creels
  • Fishing - demersal trawling or seine
  • Fishing – gill/trammel nets
  • Recreational sea angling
  • Marine deposit sites/waste disposal
  • Aquaculture
  • Marine infrastructure
  • Anchoring
  • Use of any explosive substance or article either in the sea or on or under the seabed
  • Incineration of any substance or object on any vehicle, vessel, marine structure or floating container,
  • Scuttling of any vessel or floating container,
  • Killing, taking, destruction, molestation, touching or disturbance of flapper skate or the eggs of flapper skate.
  • Removal (by any means) of anything from the seabed except the removal of king scallops and queen scallops by hand


Links to Orders and other documentation:







Please see below reminder of the current catch limits of the applicable stocks of mackerel

Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence



Area of Sea


Effective Date

10 Metre and Under – Non PO

(Moray Firth)


Change in catch limit


Moray Firth

Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 11 December 2022 – 2359 hours on 24 December 2022

10 Metre and Under – Non PO



Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 1.5 tonnes

0001 hours on 11 December 2022 – 2359 hours on 24 December 2022on 10 December 2022

10 Metre and Under – Non PO




Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 1 tonne

0001 hours on 11 December 2022 – 2359 hours on 24 December 2022

10 Metre and Under – Non PO




Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 11 December 2022 – 2359 hours on 24 December 2022



































Please note the forthcoming UKFMC operational hours

Mon 19th Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Tue 20th Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Wed 21st Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Thu 22nd Dec

Operational until 22:30hrs

Fri 23rd Dec

0830 to 1700

Sat 24th Dec

0830 to 1700

Sun 25th Dec


Mon 26th Dec


Tue 27th Dec

0830 to 1700

Wed 28th Dec

0830 to 1700

Thu 29th Dec

0830 to 1700

Fri 30th Dec

0830 to 1700

Sat 31st Jan

0830 to 1700

Sun 1st Jan


Mon 2nd Jan

Operational 24 hours from 07:00hrs onwards

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