Fishing vessel weekly licence variations 17 November 2023

Scottish fishing vessel licence variations announced on 17 November 2023

Marine Mammal Reporting Requirements – reminder to all licence holders

Section 1.11 of the Scottish licence: The master, owner, charterer, as appropriate, of a registered fishing vessel must complete and submit to the Marine Management Organisation a marine mammal injury reporting form in accordance with the guidance provided at no later than 48 hours after the vessel returns to port.

UKFMC:  The UK Fisheries Monitoring Centre opening hours during the forthcoming festive period will be as follows, with 24 hour coverage being scaled back from Thursday 21st December:

Mon 18th Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Tue 19th Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Wed 20th Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Thu 21st Dec

Operational until 22:30hrs

Fri 22nd Dec

0830 to 1700

Sat 23rd Dec

0830 to 1700

Sun 24th Dec


Mon 25th Dec


Tue 26th Dec

0830 to 1700

Wed 27th Dec

0830 to 1700

Thu 28th Dec

0830 to 1700

Fri 29th Dec

0830 to 1700

Sat 30th Dec

0830 to 1700

Sun 31st Dec

0830 to 1700

Mon 1st Jan


Tue 2nd Jan

Operational 24 hours from 07:00hrs onwards















Throughout the festive period Port State Control and IUU obligations will be met on a 24/7 basis through electronic communications only. Out of hours support for critical service issues on the Fish Export Service will also be maintained.


Organisation/ Non-producer Organisation Group  Type of Licence Species Area of Sea Limit Effective Date

10 Meter and Under- Non PO (Moray Firth)

AU Mackerel  Moray Firth  Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes  0001 hours on 12 November 2023 – 2359 hours on 25 November 2023

10 Meter and Under- Non PO (Shetland) 
(See hailing in and out instructions) 

AU Mackerel  Shetland Fortnightly catch limit 2 tonnes  0001 hours on 12 November 2023 – 2359 hours on 25 November 2023

10 Meter and Under- Non PO (Orkney)

AU Mackerel  Orkney Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes  0001 hours on 12 November 2023 – 2359 hours on 25 November 2023

10 Meter and Under- Non PO (IVb) 

AU Mackerel  IVb  Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes  0001 hours on 12 November 2023 – 2359 hours on 25 November 2023

For information:

Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2023 - showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

Fisheries closures table 2023 - showing the current status of fish stocks following the issue and publication of the above variations (if any).

Lerwick (Shetland) administered AU (10m and under) vessels

From 1 May 2023, all AU licensed vessels must hail into and out of port to either of the following contacts:

By text is 07771396483. No calls will be answered on the number.

By email:

The following details must be included in your message

On departure the vessel name, PLN, name of master, port of departure and date/time of departure.
On return the vessel name, PLN, name of master, port of return and date/time of return.

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