Fishing vessel weekly licence variations: 2 December 2022

Scottish fishing vessel licence variations announced on 2 December 2022

Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2022 - showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

Fisheries closures table 2022 - showing the current status of fish stocks following the issue and publication of the above variations (if any).


Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence

Licence Conditions Text Amendment

Effective Date



Opening Section


This is a licence issued by the Scottish Ministers in terms of The Sea Fish Licensing Order 1992 (as amended).


It is communicated and may be varied, suspended or revoked by the Scottish Ministers in terms of schedule 4 (part 2) of the Fisheries Act 2020 and in accordance with The Sea Fishing (Licences and Notices) (Scotland) Regulations 2011.


It is issued subject to conditions which are added in terms of schedule 4 (part 2) of the Fisheries Act 2020.


0001 hours on 4 December 2022

Reminder of current catch limits of applicable stocks of mackerel

Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence



Area of Sea


Effective Date

10 Metre and Under – Non PO

(Moray Firth)


Change in catch limit


Moray Firth

Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 27 November 2022 – 2359 hours on 10 December 2022

10 Metre and Under – Non PO



Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 1.5 tonnes

0001 hours on 27 November 2022 – 2359 hours on 10 December 2022

10 Metre and Under – Non PO




Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 1 tonne

0001 hours on 27 November 2022 – 2359 hours on 10 December 2022

10 Metre and Under – Non PO




Change in catch limit



Fortnightly catch limit of 2 tonnes

0001 hours on 27 November 2022 – 2359 hours on 10 December 2022

































Please note the forthcoming operational hours for the UKFMC

Mon 19th Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Tue 20th Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Wed 21st Dec

Normal Operational Hours

Thu 22nd Dec

Operational until 22:30hrs

Fri 23rd Dec

0830 to 1700

Sat 24th Dec

0830 to 1700

Sun 25th Dec


Mon 26th Dec


Tue 27th Dec

0830 to 1700

Wed 28th Dec

0830 to 1700

Thu 29th Dec

0830 to 1700

Fri 30th Dec

0830 to 1700

Sat 31st Jan

0830 to 1700

Sun 1st Jan


Mon 2nd Jan

Operational 24 hours from 07:00hrs onwards






















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