
Fishing vessel weekly licence variations: 24 January 2020

Variations from Friday 24 January 2020

PO / Non-PO Group


Change to conditions text


All groups


Additional text added to para 5.6

5.6          The vessel to which this licence relates, for all gear types excluding pelagic gears (purse seine and trawl),  may not fish in the "Papa Bank" from 0001 hours on 1 January until 2359 hours on 15 March.

For the purposes of this condition the closed area is the area of waters bounded by sequentially joining the following geographical co-ordinates:

59° 56'N, 3° 08'W

59° 56'N, 2° 45'W

59° 35'N, 3° 15'W

59° 35'N, 3° 35'W

Effective from 0001hrs 26 January 2020

Fisheries closures table 2020:- showing the current status of fish stocks following the issue and publication of the above variations (if any).

Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2020:- showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels. Please note: these tables are for information only and you should always refer to your licence and the variations thereof in the first instance.


Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy - Consultation Event Details available 

“Consultation on the draft Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy and supporting Sustainability Appraisal is open until 25 March 2020 and further information, including details of the draft Plan Options, can be found here: As part of the consultation process, we are holding a series of public events around Scotland during February and early March, details of which can be found here: The events are open to all to attend and officials will be on hand to answer your questions about the draft Plan from 1pm-5.30pm (open drop-in session) and from 6.30pm-8pm (with refreshments from 6pm). We look forward to seeing you there.”

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