Fishing vessel weekly licence variations 29 January 2021

Fishing vessel weekly licence variations 29 January 2021


Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence



Area of Sea


Effective Date

10 metre and under – Non PO


Change to catch limit

NS Anglerfish


EU waters of IIa & IV

1 tonne per month

0001 hours on 31 January 2021

10 metre and under – Non PO


Change to catch limit

NS Plaice



IV; EU waters of IIa

2 tonnes per quarter

0001 hours on 31 January 2021











Producer Organisation/Non-Producer Organisation Group

Type of Licence

Change to conditions text

Effective from

All Groups


Mull Box

The vessel to which this licence relates is prohibited, at all times during period 0001 hours 01 October – 2359 hours 31 January, from fishing with a trawl or dredge (including a suction dredge) in that area off the Treshnish Isles, being the area of waters bounded by the following coordinates:

56° 37.460'N, 006° 19.830'W
56° 35.620'N, 006° 24.500'W
56° 28.850'N, 006° 34.330'W
56° 28.680'N, 006° 28.170'W

Should the vessel be present in the area during this period all fishing gear which may be used for catching scallops must be lashed and stowed in accordance with article 47 of Council Regulation (EC) 1224/2009.

0001 hours on 31 January 202





















Fishing vessel quota limits tables 2021 - showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

Fisheries closures table 2021 - showing the quota limits applicable to both 10m and under non-PO and over 10m non-sector vessels.

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