
Maternity and neonatal services - neonatal intensive care plan: options appraisal

This report describes the options appraisal process undertaken, and the feasibility analysis and testing to identify which out of Scotland’s current eight neonatal intensive care Units should be the final three Units as proposed by Best Start.


The Perinatal Sub Group of the Best Start Implementation Programme Board was asked to lead on taking forward implementation of recommendation 45 noted above.

To identify which out of Scotland’s current eight neonatal intensive care Units should be the final three Units as proposed by Best Start, the Perinatal Sub Group embarked on an options appraisal process.

This report describes the options appraisal process undertaken, and the feasibility analysis and testing that followed the conclusion of that process. In addition, it outlines the review undertaken following the pause brought about by Covid, including consideration of additional evidence and data since the publication of The Best Start, and an assessment of readiness of the proposed final three neonatal intensive care units.

This report summarises conclusions from this process and sets out recommendations for three neonatal intensive care Units in Scotland, including the process for moving forward with implementation on a Scotland-wide basis.



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