
Flood resilient properties: framework for Scotland

Working in partnership to deliver an action plan for flood resilient properties.

Property level protection and resilience measures are an essential and cost effective part of a sustainable and proactive approach to flood risk management. However, these measures are not being widely taken up in Scotland despite the benefits they have been shown to provide. 

The current estimate of properties at risk from flooding in Scotland, from the first National Flood Risk Assessment published in 2011, is 108,000. This figure will increase with climate change and as we gain a better understanding of surface water flooding impacts.

Despite best efforts, flood protection schemes are not always able to protect all at risk properties from flooding. It is crucial that action is taken now to make more properties resilient against flooding and to reduce the physical, financial and emotional impact of flooding on properties and their owners. 

A Property Flood Resilience Delivery Group will work with Scottish Flood Forum, Scottish Government, multi-sector specialists and key stakeholders to identify and deliver actions that need to be taken to engage with the public, construction and insurance industries. The Group will prepare and deliver an action plan to help property owners take action to make their properties more resilient against the impacts of flooding. The Group will be overseen by a Chair from the insurance industry and led by a dedicated Project Manager.

This Framework outlines the role and remit of the Property Flood Resilience Delivery Group and its role delivering an action plan for Scotland. The framework was written by representatives from the Scottish Government, SEPA, the insurance and construction industries and the research and voluntary sectors.

Framework for delivering property flood resilience in Scotland
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