
Delivering sustainable flood risk management: guidance

Sets out statutory guidance to SEPA, local authorities and Scottish Water on fulfilling their responsibilities under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009.

Annex 1 Flood risk management milestones


Lead authority

FRM Act requirement

May/June 2011

Scottish Government

Publish guidance on sustainable flood management.

January 2011


Establish advisory groups.

December 2011


Produce an assessment of flood risks across Scotland leading to identification of areas most vulnerable to flooding.


Identify local plan areas.

March 2012


Establish local plan advisory groups.

No statutory deadline

Local authorities

Prepare a schedule of clearance and repair works.

Timescales to be set by Scottish Ministers

Local authorities

Prepare maps of water bodies and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems ( SUDS).

Timescales to be set by Scottish Ministers


Prepare maps of artificial structures and natural features.

Timescales to be set by Scottish Ministers

Scottish Water

Publish an assessment of flood risk from sewerage systems.

December 2013


Publish an assessment of opportunities for restoration of natural features and characteristics to reduce flood risk.


Publish flood hazard maps and flood risk maps.


Publish a statement of consultation actions.

December 2014

SEPA and lead local authorities

Publish draft national and local flood risk management plans for consultation.

December 2015

SEPA and lead local authorities

Publish flood risk management plans.

June 2016

Lead local authorities

Publish implementation parts of local flood risk management plans.

2016 onwards

SEPA and responsible authorities

Begin implementing the measures in local flood risk management plans

Cycle repeated every 6 years thereafter

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