
Cabinet Secretary meeting Morag Keith and David Anderson: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/17/01363
Date received: 19 June 2017
Date responded: 15 August 2017

Information requested

A copy of all background notes and/or briefing/s provided to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Jobs and Fair Work with regard to the meeting with held on 30th March 2017. In addition, you requested a copy of any minute and note taken during or subsequent to this meeting.


I enclose a copy of the information you requested.

  1. Note to Private Office regarding the meeting in December 2016 between David Anderson, Head of European Structural Funds and Morag Keith.

  2. No written briefing was provided in addition to the note above for the meeting on 30th March.

  3. Note from meeting on 30th March.

  4. A note from the EU Commission desk officer regarding adding Thematic Objective 11 to the ERDF OP. For Background, Thematic Objective 11 (TO11) specifically supports the building of administrative capacity to ensure that public administration is 'fit for purpose' to respond to new and future challenges and to mitigate disruption and uncertainty in the economic environment. TO11 is not given in the initial priorities set for the UK by the European Commission – the programmes had to be designed around the thematic objectives set out by the EC. It was a TO directed mainly at new member states and where issues were flagged up directly in the Partnership Agreement Position Papers or Country Specific Recommendations used to develop the programmes.

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foi-01363- email correspondence and meeting notes.pdf


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