
Higher Education statistics 2013-14: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/17/01827
Date received: 9 August 2017
Date responded: 28 August 2017

Information requested

  1. Since AY13/14 to date, please advise year on year how many European students were/are are in full time Higher Education in Scotland and had/have their tuition fees paid for by SAAS?

  2. Since AY13/14, to date, please advise year on year how many European students were/are in full time Higher Education in Scotland and had/have received a student loan?

  3. Since AY13/14 to date, please advise year on year how many European students were/are in full time Higher Education in Scotland and had/have NOT received a student loan?

  4. Since AY13/14 to date, please advise year on year please advise, the percentage of European students who are/were in full time Higher Education in Scotland and had/have their tuition fees paid for by SAAS AND RECEIVE a student loan?

  5. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, the percentage of European students who are/were in full time Higher Education in Scotland and had/have their tuition fees paid for by SAAS, but do NOT receive a student loan?

  6. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise the total amount of applications received by SAAS from European students in Higher Education for tuition fees?

  7. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise the total amount of applications received by SAAS from European students in Higher Education for a Student Loan?

  8. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise the average stay of residency in Scotland of EU students in Higher Education applying for a tuition fees?

  9. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise the average stay of residency in Scotland of EU students in Higher Education applying for a student loan?

  10. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise the total amount of applications received by SAAS from European students in Higher Education for a Student Loan that were successful?

  11. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise the total amount of applications received by SAAS from European students in Higher Education for a Student Loan that were NOT successful?

  12. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise how many of these EU Students in Higher Education contacted and/or made a complaint regarding a student loan application being rejected?

  13. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, please advise how many of these EU Students in Higher Education contacted and/or made a FORMAL complaint and/or lodge an official appeal regarding a student loan application being rejected? (Please break this into complaint or appeal).

  14. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, how many European students that are/have been in full time Higher Education in Scotland, have had their tuition fees paid for by SAAS AND are resident in Scotland for the past four years?

  15. Since AY13/14 to date please advise year on year, how many European students are in full time Higher Education in Scotland and have their tuition fees paid for by SAAS whilst not receiving a student loan, and are resident in Scotland for over four years?


I enclose a copy of the information you requested for queries 1 and 6 in electronic format.

Our aim is to provide information whenever possible. However, in this instance, we have to provide a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that some of the information you have requested is not held by the Student Awards Agency. Details of the queries we are unable to provide information on are outlined below:

Queries 2-5, 7, 9, 11 and 15 relate to the numbers of students who have received a student loan. SAAS only has data on the numbers of students who are eligible for a loan, not the numbers of students who have received a student loan. As a student does not necessarily have to take up a loan, we are unable to provide any information for these queries. However, you may wish to submit a new request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) to the Student Loans Company who should be able to help you further with this.

Queries 8 and 9 relate to length of residency. However, we do not collect any length of residency data.

Query 10 is a duplicate request, as clarified on 15th August 2017.

Query 12 relates to EU students who have contacted or complained about a student loan application being rejected. For students who contact us, we do not collect information on the student's nationality. For the second part, students cannot submit a complaint about their loan being rejected (however, they can appeal against a decision); therefore, this figure would be zero.

Query 13 relates to the number of EU students who have contacted or made a formal complaint and/or lodged an official appeal regarding a student loan application being rejected. As with query 12, we do not collect information on students nationality when they contact us and students cannot complain against a decision. In terms of appeals, our database does not specifically specify if the appeal was for a loan. Furthermore, a student could appeal more than one thing. Therefore, we are unable to supply this information.

Queries 14 and 15 relate to non-UK EU students who have been resident in Scotland for more than four years. These students meet SAAS' residency criteria, therefore, they would be categorised and treated as Scottish domiciled students.

About FOI

The Scottish Government is committed to publishing all information released in response to Freedom of Information requests. View all FOI responses at

FOI-17-01827 -SAAS-data.pdf


Please quote the FOI reference

Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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