Complaints upheld by Education Scotland: FOI release
- Published
- 14 September 2017
- Topic
- Education, Public sector
Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
FOI reference: FOI/17/01951
Date received: 25 August 2017
Date responded: 13 September 2017
Information requested
The following information:
In regard of the body Education Scotland, please supply figures on the number of complaints in the period 5 November 2013 to present, how many of these were related to Inspections of Schools and the proportion of such complaints which were upheld. (If easier I am happy for you to supply this information collated in regard of whole reporting years, to include this time period).
In the case of complaints which were upheld please supply the number of these which were upheld by (a) Education Scotland (b) the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (c) any other public body.
In the case of complaints which were upheld, please supply the information held relating to any changes in the practice of inspections which occurred as a result. If this was formally discussed by any internal committee please supply the minutes of the meetings.
Please supply the case reference numbers of all complaints of Education Scotland which have been taken to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman since 5 March 2014.
Question 1
Please find below a table containing the numbers of complaints we have received since 5 November 2013 including a breakdown on the number of complaints which were about inspection of schools.
Complaints Total | Related to Inspection of Schools | |
FY 13/14 (from 5 November 2013) | 68 | 16 |
FY 14/15 | 121 | 18 |
FY 15/16 | 138 | 7 |
FY 16/17 | 129 | 14 |
FY 17/18 (up to 25 August 2017) | 61 | 4 |
You have also asked Education Scotland to provide information about how many complaints were upheld and which led to changes in inspection practice. It is important to note that the vast majority of issues raised about inspections are dealt with informally, and to the satisfaction of those concerned, before an inspection report reaches the stage of publication. All complaints that Education Scotland receives about the inspection of schools are taken seriously and are used to review and improve our practice on an ongoing basis.
The information that we hold on complaints does not record whether a complaint was upheld or not and as such I am unable to provide you with the detailed information you have requested.
Questions 2 / 3 / 4
This is a formal notice under section 17(1) of FOISA that Education Scotland does not have the information you have requested.
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Phone: 0300 244 4000
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