Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Strategy: FOI release
- Published
- 21 December 2017
- Directorate
- Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
FOI reference: FOI/17/02729
Date received: 10 November 2017
Date responded: 18 December 2017
Information requested
1. What discussions have been held with the University of Edinburgh, Resuscitation Research Group (Edinburgh), the Save A Life for Scotland campaign or the charity Save A Life for Scotland over the bringing of Professor Steven Brooks from Canada to the University of Edinburgh? Minutes of meetings please.
2. What financial grant or other assistance has been offered or actually given to the above bodies to bring Prof Steven Brooks from Canada to the University of Edinburgh?
3. The Scottish Government's Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Strategy - Does that document 'belong' to the Scottish Government as its publication or, does it belong to the University of Edinburgh?
4. The Scottish Government made grant awards to the University of Edinburgh to operate the Save A Life for Scotland campaign. Grants awarded by the government funded equipment such as pop up banners and handouts such as tote bags, stickers, business cards, videos and so on. Since 5 October this year the Save A Life for Scotland campaign has become an independent Scottish charity (SCIO). Who now owns the equipment and the like funded by Scottish Government money for the benefit of the people of Scotland? Does the Scottish Government have plans to recoup the costs of these materials from what is effectively a business operation now of the University of Edinburgh which has charitable status? Is it donating ownership of these materials to the new charity what is exactly the equipment being donated and what value is that equipment?
5. Who now owns the rights to the videos produced by the Save a Life for Scotland campaign when it received Scottish Government grants to do so? Does the Scottish Government intend retaining ownership of these rights or has it handed over the rights to the new charity Save A Life for Scotland, who may use these to take in donations on the back of their use for its own business purposes?
6. Is the Scottish Government continuing through grant funding to give monies to the new charity Save A Life for Scotland to cover wages of staff, campaigns etc? If so, what amounts and why?
1. It was reported that Dr Steve Brooks, on sabbatical from Queens University Toronto, was expected to be involved in work to inform PADs modelling at the following meetings:
OHCA Reference Group 13 March 2017 & 25 September 2017 (minutes attached). OHCA Delivery Group 24 February and 12 May 2017 (minutes attached)
2. No funding has been provided by the Scottish Government for bringing Professor Steve Brooks to the University of Edinburgh.
3. The Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Strategy for Scotland was jointly produced by a broad coalition of stakeholders, as stated in the Strategy. The Scottish Government published the Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Strategy for Scotland in 2015.
4. The grants awarded to Dr Gareth Clegg, Resuscitation Research Group, is provided to help support the Safe a Life for Scotland programme and is used to support the implementation of a plan to improve outcomes after OHCA across Scotland. This includes production and use of materials for the Save a Life for Scotland partnership.
5. The videos are to help support the Safe a Life for Scotland programme and used to support the implementation of a plan to improve outcomes after OHCA across Scotland. It is expected that, where reasonably practicable, there is acknowledgement in publicity material of the contribution of the Scottish Ministers to its costs. As in the Conditions of Grant "The Grantee shall not, without prior written consent of the Scottish Ministers, dispose of any equipment purchased with grant funds within 5 years of the award being made, where the equipment has a minimum value of £1,000 at the time of disposal."
6. No awards have been made to Save A Life for Scotland, SCIO no SC047795.
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